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.. _build-debian-12-netinst: Build the Netinstaller Flashimage ================================= References ---------- The instructions for setting up and building a Debian netinstaller image for our products. To do this, the Yocto BSP is extended by a distribution that creates a customised U-Boot and Linux kernel version. This boot configuration is then programmed to the onboard eMMC for booting Debian. The Debian installation itself can be customised to your needs. The necessary packages are downloaded via the Internet during installation. Refer to the quick-guides for basis steps: .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 20 20 20 20 * - Module - Quick Guide - Module - Quick Guide * - `QS93 `_ - * :ref:`quickguide-qs93-5210` - `TX93 `_ - * :ref:`quickguide-tx93-5210` * - `QSMP `_ - * :ref:`quickguide-qsmp-1570` |br| * :ref:`quickguide-qsmp-1530` - `TXMP `_ - * :ref:`quickguide-txmp-1570` * - `QS8M `_ |br| `QSXM `_ - * :ref:`quickguide-qs8m-mq00` |br| * :ref:`quickguide-qs8m-nd00` |br| * :ref:`quickguide-qsxm-mm60` - `TX8M `_ - * :ref:`quickguide-tx8m-1610` |br| * :ref:`quickguide-tx8m-1620` * - `QSXP `_ - * :ref:`quickguide-qsxp-ml81` - `TX8P `_ - * :ref:`quickguide-tx8p-ml81` BSP Setup --------- The Yocto BSP is extended by a "netinst" distribution which builds a custom U-Boot and Linux kernel and a uuu configuration to start the Debian Netinstaller. - Setup a BSP as described in :ref:`nxp-yocto-setup` The last step "repo sync" is done in your working directory. Stay in this directory and add the Netinstaller files: .. prompt:: :prompts: $ :substitutions: wget --directory-prefix=.repo/local_manifests/ \ https://www.karo-electronics.com/fileadmin/download/debian_images/netinst.xml repo sync Setup Build Directory --------------------- .. note:: KARO_BASEBOARD is mandatory for QS modules .. prompt:: :prompts: $ :substitutions: KARO_BASEBOARD= DISTRO=karo-custom-karo-netinst MACHINE= source karo-setup-release.sh -b build-netinstaller Enable sstate cache ------------------- .. note:: Refer to :ref:`yocto-sstate` for details Build ----- .. prompt:: :prompts: $ bitbake karo-image-netinst Find the results ---------------- - :ref:`nxp_image_deployment`