.. _qsbase5-quickstart: QSBASE5 ======= .. figure:: images/QSBASE5.png :scale: 80 % :align: right :figwidth: 50% This guide will help new users to quickly setup our QSBASE5 Linux Development Kit. Detailed information about the QS solder-in module itself is available on `our website `_. Unboxing -------- When opening the package of the Development Kit you should find the following components inside: .. list-table:: :header-rows: 0 :widths: 20 20 20 * - 1. The evaluation board "QSBASE5". - 2. An USB-C cable which is used for power-connection and flashing. 3. An Micro USB-B cable which is used for debugging. - 4. Our catalog. * - .. figure:: images/packaging/Verpack2.JPG :align: center :figwidth: 100% - .. figure:: images/packaging/Verpack1.JPG :align: center :figwidth: 100% - .. figure:: images/packaging/Verpack3.JPG :align: center :figwidth: 100% Wiring ------ Connect the QSBASE5 board as shown in the image below. .. list-table:: :header-rows: 0 :widths: 20 20 20 * - 1. Connect the **USB-C** to the board. The other side is also connected with your host computer. - 2. Verify the Bootmode-jumper is not in Download-Mode. You can also remove it. For help see :ref:`enabling-bootmode`. - 3. Connect the Micro USB cable to the **DEBUG** port on the board. The other side is also connected with your host computer. * - .. figure:: images/qsbase5-usb-wiring.png :align: left :figwidth: 100% - .. figure:: images/qsbase5-bootmode.png :align: left :figwidth: 100% - .. figure:: images/qsbase5-debug-wiring.png :align: left :figwidth: 100% USB-UART driver --------------- Download and Install USB to UART Bridge Virtual COM Port (VCP) drivers ``_ Booting ------- After connecting the micro USB your board will boot. .. literalinclude:: ./log/qsmp2-boot.log :language: text Your module is pre-programmed with our *karo-image-minimal* headless Linux. Next Steps Usage ---------------- .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 20 80 * - Topic - Description * - Re-installing the OS - * The pre-compiled image files to flash the QSBASE5 Development Kit are located in our `Download Area `_. * They contain different environments, e.g. a minimal and a desktop environment. * Download the images and proceed with the :ref:`uuu`. Next Steps Software ------------------- .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 20 80 * - Topic - Description * - Linux Guide - Go to: Software Documentation * - WiFi Guide - To enable WiFi support. Go to: Software Documentation -> :ref:`wifi-guide` * - Camera Guide - To enable camera support. Go to: Software Documentation -> :ref:`tx8-bsp-camera` * - Google Coral Edge TPU - How to use Google Coral PCIe ML accelerator. Go to: Software Documentation -> :ref:`tx8-bsp-coral` * - Machine Learning - Using NPU and starting ML Demos. Go to: Software Documentation -> :ref:`machine-learning-guide-index` * - QT5 Development - Develop a QT5 app for your customers. Go to: Software Documentation -> :ref:`qt-guide-index` * - Electron Development - Develop an Electron app for your customers. Go to: Software Documentation -> :ref:`electron-guide-index` * - Customizing the BSP - If you want to use our Yocto Layer, or want to create your own customized Linux distribution, have a look at our :ref:`yocto-guide-index`. Go to: :ref:`yocto-guide-index` Next Steps Hardware ------------------- .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 20 80 * - Topic - Description * - QSBASE5 Pinouts - Connector pinouts can be found in the Hardware Documentation. Go to: Hardware Documentation -> Pinouts -> :ref:`qsbase5-pinouts` * - QS Developers Guide - QS-Standard pinout, description and layout guidelines. Go to: Hardware Documentation -> :ref:`qs-guide`