First Steps

Unpack, connect, power up and boot

Select the baseboard

Install Quick Guide

How to flash a system image to the module

More details: Fast Flashing STM32MP1 Boards and UUU - Universal Update Utility

1. Get a system image

Pre-compiled image files are located in our Download Area.

2. Start fastboot

(Re-)boot the board and “Hit any key to stop autoboot” to get to the U-Boot command line interface

fastboot usb 0

3. Flash it!

Use either a Linux PC or Linux on Windows with WSL

Only for Linux on Windows with WSL

Refer to Linux on Windows with WSL -> Connect USB devices

Open a Windows command shell with administrator permissions. Get the {busid} of the download gadget and attach it.

usbipd list
usbipd bind --busid {busid}
usbipd attach --wsl --busid {busid}

Change to the unpacked image directory and run uuu.

wget https://github.com/nxp-imx/mfgtools/releases/download/uuu_1.5.141/uuu
chmod a+x uuu
sudo ./uuu -v

Yocto Quick Guide

Build and flash Yocto images in 10 minutes

Select the QSMP version