Installation of the MCUXpresso SDK

To configure and download your MCUXpresso SDK, please go to the NXP website: MCUXpresso SDK Builder


inside ‘Select a Board, Kit, or Processor’ select the right SDK for your module:

MCUXpresso SDK to select


needed MCUXpresso SDK

QS8M-MQ00, QSXM-MM60, TX8M-1610, TX8M-1620

i.MX -> 8M Mini Quad -> MIMX8MMx -> MIMX8MM6xxxKZ

QS8M-ND00, TX8M-ND00

i.MX -> 8M Nano Dual -> MIMX8MNx -> MIMX8MN4xxxIZ


i.MX -> 8M Plus Quad -> MIMX8MLx -> MIMX8ML8xxxKZ

example: select: Processors -> i.MX -> 8M Mini Quad -> MIMX8MMx -> MIMX8MM6xxxKZ in the case you work with the QS8M-MQ00.


Then press the build button on the right side:


The MCUXpresso SDK Builder will show a summary, where you have to select your Host OS and your Toolchain:


After download and installation of the SDK, please pay attention to the docs folder that contains useful documents, especially the document ‘Getting Started with MCUXpresso SDK for EVK-MIMX8xx.pdf’.